Yoga Pranayama

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Yoga Pranayama Classes

Meaning of Pranayama:

• The literal meaning of Pranayama is Prana’s ayam that is an extension of the Prana (the breathe)

• Pranayama is nothing but retention of the Prana-the vital life-force, breath through break in the rhythmic breathing.

• Prana is that vital life force which seems to be controlling every thing on this tangible earth, and exist as a thought in the world.

• In other words, the prana is related to the mind and mind is related to the brain and the brain is related to the soul (Atma) and the soul (Atma) is ultimately related to that eternal divine force.

• Thus the objective of Pranayama is to stimulate, communicate, regulate and control the vital life force that exist in the body.

Importance of Pranayama :

It helps in removing the blemishes and also helps the knowledge to rise.

Benefits of Pranayama

• By regularly performing Pranayama the body remains healthy and free from disease.

• It also decreases the fat.

• Pranayama extends your life expectancy, enhances your memory and does away with the mental illness.

• Pranayama fully and effectively affects the abdomen, liver, urinary track, small and large intestines, and the digestive system. Thus making you efficient.

• Veins and vessels (arteries) are purified through Pranayama and physical lethargy is removed.

• Pranayama boosts your appetite, and general health of the body improves and you begin to hear resonance within your body.

• With regular practice of Pranayama spiritual powers awaken which in turn give spiritual joy, lightness and mental peace.

Essential Knowledge about Pranayama


PLACE : The place for performing Pranayama must be isolated and airy with ample ventilation.

TIME : The time of dawn is considered as best for practicing Pranayama. If for any reason it is not possible to practice it in the morning, Pranayama can be practiced in the evening as well.

POSTURE : Mostly the Pranayama is practical in PADMASAMA or SIDDHASANA.If you face difficulty in sitting in these postures for too long, you can select any posture you desire in which you can sit for long time comfortably.


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